Monday Blues

I have so many thoughts that I want to say, yet I can't seem to say any of them. I can't get the thoughts running around in my head to stop long enough so that I can catch them. I'm losing the plot, I swear.

Lack of sleep is killing me too. I finally got to bed about 6:00am, just in time to say hi and goodnight to my Mum, who was getting up to go to work. I really need to get this whole sleep thing sorted out, but how??? I've tried most things and they haven't worked, so fingers crossed something pops up soon. If you have any suggestions could you please e-mail me or sign my guestbook.

Ooooo, I just caught one of my thoughts from earlier. Right here goes.....

Ask anybody what they want to achieve in life, and I bet most of them say "to find happiness", or similar, but please just think about that for a minute. Think how pointless that is. There will never be just happiness. Obviously nothing that lasts forever anyway, so what's the point of anything at all??? What's the point of living???.

But seriously, there is none. We live for naive dreams, many of which will never come true, and we live to reproduce so that the next generation can repeat our mistakes.

I'm not trying to be cynical here, I'm just using a little common sense. It's plain stupid when it comes down to it, and pointless and worthless, but we go on living through this because deep down inside, each and everyone of us has a glimmer of hope. We live our lives in our own petty lies to get through each day.

I don't mean to offend or upset anyone by my entry today - this is simply a thought that I had earlier and wanted to write about here. I'm not asking you to agree or disagree with anything written, as I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. My mind thinks a number of weird and wonderful things, which often vary on a daily basis. In fact if you ask me in a weeks time I'd probably totally disagree with what I've said here today myself. But right now; this is what's happening in my head. I hope you understand.....

Anyway, I guess it's time for me to take more medication, so for now I hope that you are all as well as you can be.

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