
I can't believe how many e-mails I've got today from AYME members. I am overwhelmed and to be honest their kindness bought tears to my eyes. I never thought so many people would write me such lovely messages of support. If you're one of those people thank you, thank you, and ummmmmm thank you.

This evening I watched a programme called Panorama, which was all about an anti-depressant called Seroxat (also known as Paroxetine). Apparently a lot of people that have been prescribed this drug by their doctors have had awful side effects including suicidal thoughts and self harming which occurred after just a few hours/days after being given the prescription. A number of people have also become addicted however, the leaflets written by the pharmaceutical companies do not state that these drugs are addictive in any way.

I feel like I've had a lucky escape. I was prescribed Paroxetine, which contains the same active ingredients as Seroxat about a year ago. After taking just one tablet my heart-rate soared, I began to get heart palpitations which were worse than usual (you could literally see my heart 'jumping' out of my chest like a character in a a Tom and Jerry cartoon), my pupils were huge, I was freezing cold and I couldn't stop shaking. I also had a really weird feeling in my head, which I can't explain to anyone - it was just so odd. I was in such a state that Mum took me to Accident and Emergency at our local hospital, where I was kept overnight for observation.

In a way I'm pleased that I did react that way so early after being prescribed Seroxat. I would hate to have been one of the people on the t.v programme who have experienced suicidal thoughts or that have been addicted so bad that its taken a year to get off the drug. Seroxat is used to treat depression, but can also be given to people suffering with anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. In my opinion it seems to give people more serious problems than they had before they began their treatment.

I'm now taking Dothiepin, but after watching Panorama tonight I can't help but wonder what kind of effect this drug is having on my body and mind and whether it is really helping me.

I just wish this whole bloomin' thing would go away and never come back!

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