Tired But Happy

I finally managed to get a couple of hours sleep this afternoon but I still feel a bit 'down'. I guess it's just one of 'those' days.

I've cheered up a bit though. Yesterday evening I posted my first ever message on AYME's noticeboard introducing myself to all the existing members. I've had so many lovely messages back from the existing members welcoming me to the group, so if any of you posted a message thank you very much for making me a part of your team.

Tippie got the card I sent her today and she said it made her day. I was so worried that it wouldn't reach her as I wasn't sure if I'd stuck enough stamps on it, and I wasn't sure if I'd written her address right. Tippie showed the card to a friend of hers - she was amazed as apparrently they've never got mail from outside America before. This gave me a huge boost, not because I'm big headed but because I made someone else happy!

I'm gonna leave tonight on a high, so sweet dreams diary snoopers.

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