Occupational Therapy (Part 2)

Today was the day I had my 2nd appointment with Claire, my Occupational Therapist.

As asked, over the last 7 days I have kept a fatigue diary which lists all the activities I have done on an hourly basics, along with a rating on a scale of 1 to 10, (1 being 'No Problems' and 10 being 'Severe Fatigue'). During today's session I was also asked to complete a questionnaire on fatigue and how it affects my daily activities. From this and the diary the O.T can work out some kind of programme for me.

I think that I�m only seeing the O.T for advice and help on coping with my fatigue on a day-to-day basis. This in theory is all well and good, but if and when I do get back into a normal routine I�ll still have all the other symptoms to contend with. Claire also suggested that I speak to my dietician again, as she feels that I am eating the wrong foods at the wrong time of day. (I.e. have pasta at lunchtime, as it will give me energy, not in the evening like I am at the moment).

It seems like no one understands that M.E/CFS is more than feeling sleepy all the time, which is really, really frustrating. To be honest I don't think that this course of treatment is going to help me in any way. O.K, maybe I'll have a more varied routine, and I may be able to sleep at night if I'm lucky, but the heart palpitations, shortness of breath, joint pains, headaches, dizziness, double/blurry vision, muscle twitching, brain fog, depression, anxiety, emotional lability (mood swings), nausea, rashes, alcohol intolerance, sore throats, swollen glands, inability to concentrate and zinc deficiencies will all be there still. Sleepiness is just one in a long list of symptoms which need treating also.

(I've noticed that I haven't actually written a page in this diary that explains what M.E./CFS actually is - doh! I shall be adding one very, very, very soon).

Righty - ho! Well, I need to lay down for a bit, as I feel absolutely exhausted! I hope all you diary snoopers are well.

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