2nd Phone Tutorial/Tippie

My tutor called me today to see how my assignment was shaping up. Having spoken to him I think I've done really badly - there seems to be so much to say; but in 700 words?? some of my diary entries are longer than that. My next assignment is due on the 26th October, which is about the same time as my next phone tutorial. This one's about changing relationships - ooo err!

I got another e-card from Tippie today as well. She was worried about me as I haven't been in Immune Support the last few days - or rather she thinks I haven't. In actual fact I have been there, just at different times to her, partly 'cos time difference and partly 'cos my body clocks been all over the place lately. It was nice of her to think of my though - it shows she cares.

It's weird 'cos I can talk to Tippie about things that I don't really tell anyone else, and in her own way she gives me advice, encouragement and support; more so than many of my 'supposed' friends here. Maybe it's 'cos shes ill too and can relate to a lot of my experiences and emotions..... Who knows??? I'm awfully glad she's my friend though.

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