The No Show Doc

I'm so effing peeved off today.

I had a doctors appointment at 2:30pm so I could help Dr Ka complete the forms so I can apply for disability living allowance. 2:45pm came and went, so did 3:00pm, and 3:15 pm. By 3:30pm I still hadn't been called, so I asked the receptionist how much longer I'd have to wait. She replied 'Dr K hasn't returned from his house calls yet, we don't know where he is'.


The receptionist called him at home, and on his mobile phone, but couldn't get a reply. She even tried calling his home visits, but he wasn't with any of them either. No-one knows why he never came back to the surgery as he knew he had patients to see that afternoon - it was him who called me and told me to be there at 2:30. There were a lot of unhappy patients there this afternoon I can tell ya! I couldn't even see another doctor as there were no available appointments so I've asked for the forms to be given to Dr A - at least I know he's reliable.

Talking of doctors, my GP gave birth to a baby girl yesterday evening. Hope they are both doing ok..... she was convinced that she was having a little boy!

The Occupational Therapist called me and left a message on the answerphone while I was at the doctors earlier. I've got to call her back tomorrow to make an appointment, so at least that's one thing that's going ok.

Will write more tomorrow, hope you are well!

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