Big Black Cloud

I've done absolutely sod all today. For some reason my back is killing me. It's kind of hard to explain but its around the lung area, but in my back instead. I'm wondering if I'm getting another chest infection again as my breathing is getting worse too.

I must have a big black cloud hanging over my head. As soon as I get rid of one infection another comes and invades my body. It's almost like I'm cursed. Luckily I already have a doctors appointment for Monday afternoon so if it carries on I'll mention it then.

Also made a great new friend called Tippie through Immune Support. I've been talking to her for about 3 weeks and we swapped e-mail addresses today. I hope we stay in touch, shes a really nice person to talk to, and she understands what I'm going through as she's ill with Lupus.

Oh well, I'm off to lay down again. I can't get comfortable because of my back.

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