Sleeping With Memories

It ain't easy
Sleeping with memories,
When everyone is telling me
To let them fly away.
But I don't think that they're caged birds
They're more like shadows
That follow no matter what you say.
And I think that I understand things
A little more than I really should,
I think that all this empathy
Isn't doing me much good.
Because I feel a little too much
And forget about my needs,
But its better than feeling nothing
Wondering if your heart still bleeds.

So I walk my hoard of memories
On an eyelash and a tear,
Because they need to get some exercise
Or I'll forget I came from here.
Where the light at the end of the tunnel
Got extinguised in the fire,
And no one wants to light another
They have priorities that are higher.
But I lit my own and now it's
Just another clinging memory,
They say that time erases, but
That's never true for you or me.

Time's the doctor who gives us stitches
Leaving scars or slivers behind,
Never quite healed, but certainly better
A reminder of life's untimely crimes.
I've got one on my cheek
And another on my knee,
And a deeper one inside my mind
That never lets me be.
But my heart has scabbed over many times
Bled more life than it's pumped,
That it seems odd that I'm still risking the knife.
Perhaps it's time I learned not to jump
And started caring more about preserving life.

But what kind of existance would it be without pain???
And what pleasure would I hope to know,
If I forgot the dark city of my brain???
If you hide from emotion
All that's inside will deteriorate,
Because souls need ventilation
They need to breathe and rejuvenate.
And this weakness makes us human
And that's what causes us to feel,
It's our downfall, and our doom
And yet without it, we'll never be truly real.

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