Tears Drench Your Eyes, Like Raindrops On A Window

The source is deep within the soul
of depression's helpless victim.

Pleading for help,
begging for relief.

The abyss is no fun,
it is a deep hole of doubt.

It is dark, like a cave,
it pulls you in.

It feels icky, like sweat,
on a hot summer day.

There's a deep, dull heaviness,
that plagues the heart.

A cloudiness fills the mind,
threatening to steal sanity.

You try to run, you can't,
- it's grip is too tight.

You try to scream, you can't,
- your throat is too hoarse.

Tears drench your eyes,
like raindrops on a window.

There's nowhere to run,
nowhere to hide - no escape!!!

Your bed is your only refuge,
from the battle.

You can't sleep -
your mind is plagued.

Thoughts running wildly,
taunting you from their graves.

It's all just an endless,
losing battle.

Depression roars victorious,
laughing at your defeat.

And the pain rides on.....

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