Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

C is for the chronicity of this disabling disease,
H is for the headaches, a constant pain without ease.
R is for the rash that I had on my chest, and
O is for how often that I have to rest.
N is for the neck pain and neuralgics I take,
I is for the insomnia that keeps me awake.
C is for the colds and viruses I dread, and

F is the fatigue that keeps me in bed.
A is for the allergies and anger I fight,
T is for the twitching in my muscles at night.
I is for my immune system that doesn�t exist, and
G is for the swollen glands that always persist.
U is for the unsteadiness when I try to walk, and
E is for everyone that sneers when I talk.

S is for my short term memory loss, and
Y is for the youth that I seem to have lost.
N is for the nausea that controls what I eat,
D is for the depression, despair and defeat.
R is for the redness that shows in my eyes, and
O is for the other symptoms that arise.
M is for the muscle weakness that�s hell, and
E is for the effort it takes to get well.

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