Table Trouble

Guess who is in Mr B's bad books again? Yes you've guessed it... it's me! I don't think I did anything wrong though - lets see what you guys and girls think?

Mr B and Tony moved out of their flat yesterday - Tony is moving in with his girlfriend and her family until they have enough money saved to get their own place, and Mr B moved into a smaller flat on his own. Most of the furniture was Mr B's anyway so there isn't a great deal of things that he needs to get for his new home, but he's lacking a dining table and chairs, so yesterday afternoon Mr B and his Mum went table shopping. He saw one he liked and as it was the last one in stock he ordered it on the spot - so far so good, but..... the thing is it's being delivered on Wednesday afternoon when he'll be at work. Guess who he's volunteered to wait for the delivery guys to turn up??? Yup, that's right, yours truely!

I wouldn't have minded so much if he'd asked me, but to arrange it behind my back, then tell me I am going round there to wait for the delivery, (that's right, he didn't ask me, he told me), is just taking the piss. I mean to me, because my body clock is all messed up, 12:00pm is about 3:00am, and this is what time I have been told I have to be at the flat. Not bloody likely. I'm going to be in my own house, in my own bed when that table arrives and too bloody bad if there's no one there to sign for it! If he'd called me and asked me I wouldn't be like this at all, but I'm sick of being ordered around - especially when my ME/CFS isn't at it's best right now. I would have thought he'd have taken that into account himself, but then I'm expecting too much again aren't I???

Of course tonight I have been called all the names under the sun again, but he doesn't even realise the more he yells at me the more unwilling I am to help him. He thinks by yelling at me he's going to get his own way, but the world doesn't work like that and at 27 years old he should have learnt that by now. In a way I feel sorry for him..... if he carries on having that attitude he's not going to get very far is he???

So what do you think??? Am I right to stand my ground, or do you think I should give in and help him??? All feedback will be greatly appreciated.

I am off to see my doctor tomorrow and I can't wait. It's my first appointment with my usual GP since she came back and I have so much to discuss with her. I've added another item to the long list - recently, (well, for the last 2 months), I have been getting my periods every two weeks and I'm a little worried about it. Maybe it's got something to do with the drugs I have been given for the candida interacting with my contraceptive pill, but then again maybe it's not. I'll just have to wait and see, like I do with everything in my life.

I'll just wait and see.

[p.s. I also got another review back today which you can see here. It's a little different from all the others as you are e-mailed questions by Kate, who runs the site, which you reply to, as well as having her read through your diary. I liked the idea though - very original.

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