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After enduring three hospital appointments last week, I can confirm that the medical profession have no empathy with pain and suffering.

I�ve learned, for example, "This won't hurt a bit" is a direct translation of "Rather you than me". Similarly, "You might feel a slight pinch" is a rather nice way of saying; "I'll have to peel you off the ceiling after this".

And nearly one week later, I'm not really feeling that much better.

Actually, that could have a lot to do with the fact that added to my newly acquired diagnosis of Chronic Postural Hypotension, and an as yet unconfirmed diagnosis of an underlying Muscular Skeletal Disorder; I now have Pleurisy to round things off nicely and am on my third lot of antibiotics this year.

Did someone say, "Walking medical nightmare???" I guess that'd be me, then!

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