21st July 2006

21st July 2006. Remember that day, my friends.

I'm not usually one who thinks too much about what's going to happen in the future, but in this case I'm going to. It's a really important day.

"Why, what's happening that day???" I hear you ask.

Nothing big. It'll be pretty small actually. But it's important. It�ll probably be one of the most important things to happen to me.

It's the day my cousin's baby is supposed to be born.

Yes! She's pregnant! Knocked up! She's got a bun in the oven! She's with child!

And, seeing as I don't have a brother or sister to provide me with nieces or nephews, this is the very next best thing for me.

It�s also the day I�ll become a Godmother. [Yes, she was so ecstatic she�s already asked me! And I was so ecstatic and honoured to be asked, how could I say no???]

And it�s also the day when I will no longer be the youngest person in my entire family. Hoorah!

It is a good thing. A very good thing. I can't actually remember the last time I felt giddy with excitement, but this must be pretty darn close!

So remember, folks. 21st July 2006. Roll on that date!

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