I met Simon, my CBT therapist, for the first time yesterday. The actual therapy itself isn't scheduled to begin until June, but he wanted to meet me beforehand to learn a bit about my background. For example he wanted to delve deeper into my childhood, my parents divorce, Geoff�s death, the time I was attacked, and the medications I take and how I cope with my various illnesses. I have to admit I find it very hard revisiting the past, yet I understand that Simon needs to know these details in order to help me. I guess, as with every therapist I've met to date, it's going to get harder before it gets better.

Even so, every appointment I have with a therapist opens a new wound or reopens a healing scar, and every memory I write in the 'therapy diary' seems to be an unpleasant one. I want to change that. And, as much as I don't like to admit it, I need help to achieve this.

I'm also worried that all the work Rach is doing with me at the moment will be undone the minute I have to repeat my past all over again with Simon. I wonder if it'd be possible for Simon and Rach to combine my therapy so that I don't have to recall everything twice over???

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