Book Of Quotes

It was a simple exercise book filled with lined pages. It was a way of recording quotes and passages that I liked or admired, most of which had to do with my journey during my mid to late teens.

I thought that I would one day fill up evey single page, but that has yet to happen. That very same half full exercise book is still in my possession nearly a decade later. I suppose I still like holding on to hard copies of my writings, whether they are my own original writings or excerpts of someone elses work, and I suppose that's why even today, even though I write an on-line diary, I still religiously copy every single sentence into an exercise book.

Thank God for words, big and small. Especially words that speak to me in such a way that I feel compelled to record them for future reference.

My 'quotes' quest probably began when I was about 14, about the time that my Nan died. Looking back I think I was looking for some form of comfort. Then again, it may have even started a little earlier as I've always been an avid reader. I poured myself into books that appealed to me, books that I felt could help me along the way.

I was a 'seeker' back then, and even today after all I've experienced I still seek. I know more than I used to. And yet I desire to know more.

Maybe, ultimately, what I seek isn't so much a deeper knowledge but a deeper faith??? And all the quotes that I've read may have warmed my heart and enriched my mind with insights and knowledge, but faith is to be lived..... isn't it???

'I don't know Who - or what - put the question. I don't know when it was put. I don't even remember answering. But at some moment I did answer Yes to Someone - or Something - and from that hour I was certain that existance is meaningful and that therefore, my life, in self-surrender, had a goal'

[Quote from Dag Hammarskj�ld]

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