Blog Disciple

One of the interesting things about blogging, is the way I wait for my regular reads to post and disclose. It reminds me of those moments in the best of friendships, when something inside of me knows that there are unspoken issues, problems, or concerns, but for the most part another part of me respects personal privacy too much to ask about the latent stories.

So, I visit blogs, look for updates and wonder about the well-being of those whose stories are kept on the other side of the post. Don't get me wrong, I don't wander around all day obsessing about people I've never even met, but, when I'm surfing entries I am looking for an opportunity to connect with you, to learn, to feel, to be, in that brief and albeit tenuous connection, more human.

There is a real connection for me in this process of writing, reading, commenting. It is a Jo-discipline that makes up part of that which grounds, connects and inspires me. It's not that I lack relationships in the 'real' world. What is different is the way the insulation of the cyber diary/blog/journal allows for more honesty. Perhaps it is a good way to practice, like therapy, when the client experiments with new relationship risks in the safety of the 'session' in order to learn new behaviours for 'real-life' relationships. Writing here is what works for me.

So, I wish you good blogging, and for the love of Him upstairs, update!!! I need you guys.

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