
My body clock has switched it's alarm on without letting me know.

Every morning this week I've woken up with a start at 5:00am - my normal waking method being to crawl around my bed, drowsily tripping over anything and everything until I'm slowly able to open my eyes properly and pull myself upright.

I know I need more sleep, my body knows I need more sleep, so why do I keep waking at such a crazy hour??? I should just simply bang my head on the wall and give myself a slight concussion to send me back into dream land again!!! 5:00am starts are no good for someone with M.E, so could someone kindly explain that to whoever needs to be informed??? My silent screams and dodgy hand signals are obviously not being translated into the correct language.

I've got flu too which is making me feel pretty miserable, [and is the reason I haven't updated for a couple of days], but looking at all our glitzy Christmas decorations and the presents underneath our tree is making me feel better. I know that there are plenty of people around the world at this time of year who aren't as fortunate as me so I'm trying to keep my whining to a minimum.

A few more hot chocolates and a lot more honey and lemon should help too!!! Atchoo.....

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