Happy Birthday To Me

I woke this morning to 50 Cents' song In Da Club [It's Your Birthday] - Mum put it on my stereo before placing my my birthday cards and my presents on the chest of drawers next to my bed, [I don't think she realises what the actual lyrics are though], and when I finally decided to drag my butt out of bed and went downstairs I found that she'd also been to the bakers early this morning to pick up a birthday cake for me, she'd tied balloons to the chairs in my front room, and had placed fairy lights around the fireplace below a 'Happy Birthday' banner. What a nice way to wake up!!!

I don't think I've ever mentioned this in my diary before, but my cousin works for a radio station in France, and every so often like most radio stations they have guests appear and perform live in their studios. She's met many singers/bands since she began working there and often gets given tickets to concerts, the lucky thing!!! Now that's one job I wouldn't mind getting out of bed for!!!

Recently Alicia Keys stopped by to give an interview in preparation for the release of her new album, and my cousin managed to get a signed copy of her new single You Don�t Know My Name from her which she posted to me for my birthday. That present is something money can't buy and is something that I will treasure - I definitely got a shock when I opened the parcel I can tell you.

I know this isn't much of an entry, but before I go I just wanted to say a huge thank you too to all the lovely people who sent me cards, presents, text messages, e-cards, e-mails, notes and guestbook messages and made my day that little bit more special - you all totally rock!!!

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