Bertie Bear

This morning when I woke up and looked out my bedroom window the world seemed so bleak, all I could think was why bother???

It was as if the colour had been drained not only from the world, but also my soul, and every last drop of energy had been wasted on pointless dreams. I was listless and tired, and felt like there was no point moving out of bed. It was as though I'd finally hit the end of the dreaded long dark tunnel, and any false hopes had been stamped out completely. Any signs of improvement, no matter how small, were really just tricks of the light.

Then the postman came.....

I received a lovely letter from my new AYME Buddy Kerry, a card from my oldest friend Kelly, and a parcel from Vicky containing a beautiful teddy bear which I've named Bertie.

So I guess what I'm trying to say in a round about way is thanks guys!!!

My day may have started off looking bleak, but my friends and Bertie added their own special rays of sunshine, making it 100% better than I thought it would be.

What would I do without my friends???

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