Miss D

Mr B called me today - not to see how I am but to tell me that he's going on holiday with Miss D, his new girlfriend.

I think he was expecting me to get jealous or something, (you know how you can just tell when someone is trying to get a reaction out of you), but instead I was polite and listened to him rave about his great new relationship whilst I tried not to fall asleep on the other end of the phone.

Don't get me wrong, I am really glad he's moved on, but in all honesty, why would I want to know about the flat they've just moved into together and the furniture stores they've been to in search of 'the' perfect dining room suite???

I have to admit I'm a little suprised at the fact that they're already living together considering I only broke up with him a little over 4 months ago, but at the same time I'm glad he's happy. I just hope for her sake he treats her better than he did me.

On a happier note, another card arrived for me today from Lisa so a huge thank you to her, and also to everyone else who is leaving me messages of support. I meant what I said the other day..... you all rock!!!

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