Snail Mail

You know what??? You guys are fantastic!!!

Not only do you continue to read my diary when I moan and groan about being ill, but you leave me messages of support and enouragement, and even send me snail mail and get well cards too. I was completely overwhelmed today when the postman delivered not one, but four cards, so thank you Becky, Kat, Cass and Claire, and everyone else who has signed my guestbook or sent me an e-card. It's days like today when you help me more than I could ever put into words.

I had physiotherapy this afternoon, and after just an hour of sleep the last thing I wanted to do was bend, flex and stretch my muscles, but I cancelled my last appointment as I didn't feel well enough to go, so I felt as though I had to turn up today.

7 hours later though I'm wondering why on earth I went. I ache from head to toe, and can't stop shaking from using muscles that haven't so much as flinched in months. But with anything, the more you do it the easier it becomes so I'll just have to stick with it and try to do my exercises at least once every couple of days, then gradually build on that until I can do them without being in pain. I wonder how long that'll take???

I hope Mum was only joking about buying me a leotard and a pair of leg warmers a la '80's stylee.....

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