More Medication

I wish I could be strong like those people who move on with their lives when something happens to them, but my problem is that I'm plagued by everything so I can't. That's why I want to forget. I just can't get these images out of my head, and delving further into them in therapy and discussing them with Kate is only making them more vivid and more real to me.

Since my last session Kate has talked with my GP, and they both feel that increasing my anti-depressants again will help see me through the therapy and cope better with the emotions that I face when I'm at home. They both know that the topics covered in my therapy sessions play on my mind, and they are worried that although I'm making slow progress in Kate's office, at home I'm not doing so well.

I'm not happy about taking more medication, but I trust Kate and if she thinks this will help I guess it's worth a try. It can't do me any harm, surely???

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