Diarists Block

I have a relationship with pain. Physical pain and I, we understand each other. I give it a home for a few years and in return it reminds me every day that I am still alive. It's quite a partnership we�ve got going here.....

I don�t know what's wrong with me this weekend. I think I must have 'writers block', or 'diarists block' at the very least.

I wish I could pull something made of good words out of my head for a change. Strong words, easy flowing, free words, sometimes nearly brilliant, spark initiating words, any of those would be welcome right now.

Instead though all I can come up with are spinning, sinking, despairing, hopeless words, that basically say 'I've had enough of this crap'.

Frustration, boredom and brainfog have taken my words and have left me with a poor excuse of a piece of writing, otherwise recognised as today's diary entry.

But its okay, I'll deal with it somehow. I'll take a deep breath, swallow tonight's medication and get on with my evening.


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