New Toys

For once I have a little good news to share.

I've finally got my laptop, as suggested at my assessment back in March, however, I can't access the internet properly for some reason so I'm still using my old desktop pc to update here. I think I'll have to call AOL in the morning and see if they can help me out. It's not that I can't access the internet at all, but once I've been on-line for about 5 minutes I get disconnected again for no apparent reason. Do any of you guys know why I might be having this problem???

The minidisk and the table are also on order, and should be here soon. I'm not sure about the other items though. I suppose they are sent from different suppliers so maybe I'll hear about them in due course.

My Mum is acting rather strange around me today. I think shes debating whether or not to ask me how my session went with Kate, but is too afraid to ask in case it upsets me. Normally I can talk to her about most things, but where my Dad and her marriage is concerned we both get rather upset and embarrassed, then for hours, sometimes days afterwards, there's an awkwardness between us that is difficult to describe.

I'm also scared that if I open up and tell her how I feel about my Dad she'll feel guilty and blame herself for him walking out on us. I don't know, I guess I need to work things out in my own mind before I can properly discuss my thoughts towards him with her, but at the same time there's a part of me can't help feeling the same as I would if I were to lie to her outright.

I'm not intentionally lying though, I'm just not admitting the whole truth. Is there a difference though???

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