Itchy Feet

I feel unsettled. I feel like I have to get out of here, have to keep moving, have to be anywhere but where I am now.

I wonder if everywhere is just like here??? And if it is, will everyone there be like the people I know here in my home town???

I want to just get away, go see somewhere else, go stare at walls that aren't my own, look up at stars from someone elses garden.

Is there a word to describe that???

If I weren�t me, this place wouldn't seem so bad. To anyone else it is nice enough, but when you see the same thing every day, go to sleep in the same bed every night, and talk to the same people time after time, it becomes so routine it�s painful.

Sleep, wake, eat, type, sleep, wake, type, eat, read, sleep..... day in, day out.

Sometimes, I forget to breath it's so suffocating.

You run out of things to do when you've done them all before. There wasn't much to do around here in the first place.

You run out of places to go, when you've been to them all before. They lose mystique once you've seen them a hundred times.

You don't have things to talk about when you're around the same people all the time. There are only so many ways to say hello and goodbye.

Am I simply bored with life??? Or have I finally woken up and realised that this is going to be my life for the foreseeable future???

Is everywhere like here???

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