A Goth???

I am feeling self centred and I hate it, but then isn't that natural with depression??? Receding into your own little world that you can't see out of and nobody can see into. I want to be hidden from the world, but at the same time I want people to come and protect me - from what though I'm not entirely sure..... maybe myself.....

A 'friend' called me a 'goth' today. Don't get me wrong, I'm not insulted by it, but for some reason being labelled just really hurt. Being depressed and listening to Evanescence doesn't make me a goth..... does it??? And even if that does make me a goth, why should I be angered by his words??? It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Maybe I'm just being silly and reading too much into it.

I'm an easy target.

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