Hung, Drawn and Quartered

I had been invited to a 25th Wedding Anniversary Party last night for Mr B's football manager and his wife, but I didn't go as usual. Instead Mr B went alone and got drunk with all his mates from football. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind him going out without me; in fact I encourage him to go out more often, but what I do object to is being the 'talking point' of the evening when I wasn't even there to defend myself.

It turns out that after a lot of alcohol had been consumed, quite a lot of comments were made about the fact that I never attend the 'footie functions', or go to the pub with everyone else, and quite a few people decided that this was their opportunity to bitch about me.

To sum everything up, according to them I'm:

None of these people are actually friends of mine; they're people that I met via Mr B and his football team, so their comments shouldn't really bother me, but I can't help feeling annoyed and hurt. I'm even more annoyed because Mr B didn't even attempt to defend me or try explaining why I never go out. In his words.....

'It's a waste of time trying to defend you. In their eyes they are right, and nothing that I can say or do will change their opinion. The only person that can do that is you, but seeing as you never get out of bed how can you justify yourself to them???!!!.....

Why should I have to justify myself to anyone??? I wish that they'd actually talk to my face or phone me, instead of talking about me behind my back - they might actually learn a lot about me and realise I'm not as bad as they think. Instead I've already been hung, drawn and quartered by the grand jury.

To them I'm scum.

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