We Have A Title

Has anyone else noticed how bitchy diaryland is becoming???

I'm not going to name names here, but it seems like a lot of my friends are getting nasty messages saying that their diary sucks, or worse, having their entire life summed up as being 'shit'. I'm getting so fed up of these guestbook wars. Why can't people just leave each other alone and get on with their own lives??? You may not agree with what someone says in their journal, but seriously, what is going to be achieved from slagging off someone elses writing, or criticising them for having an opinion???

Ok, moan over!!!

Thanks to the people that left messages about my previously untitled poem from yesterdays entry. Lily suggested 'Invisible Tears' and it seems as though a lot of you were thinking along the same lines, so this is what it is going to be linked under if you go to my poetry page.

I'm still feeling pretty unwell, so I think the best thing I can do is go to bed and try and rest.

Goodnight All

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