This IS My Life

Someone, (who shall remain nameless), is under the impression that this diary isn't really about me; that the horrible things that have happened in my life aren't real, and that I get my words from a self-help book.

Now please excuse me here for a minute, but that is total bollocks! Normally I wouldn't let such trivial things get to me, but this person has really got under my skin in the same way that a parasite sucks blood.

Why would anyone want to lie about:.....

I'm sorry, but I can't see why anyone would want to lie about one of these things, let alone all of them. Believe me, I wish none of this was real. In a way I almost wish that I had copied the text from a self-help book - that way I wouldn't actually be living in this nightmare. At the same time though all the things that are listed above are the things that have made me who I am today, and no matter how painful living this life is I know that I have people that will support me through the bad times and laugh with me during the good times.

So go on, write whatever trash you like about me, I'm giving you permission, for I know the truth and so do the people that love me and care about me. I just hope that you, (the person that thinks my life is a lie), never get really sick or have to go through any of the things I have.


Since I wrote this update an hour or so ago the person this entry was directed towards has deleted the entries they wrote about me; the ones where they cut and pasted one of my entries and tore me to pieces. They also deleted the guestbook message that I left too. Was it a case of a guilty conscience or have they realised how wrong they actually are about me?

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