Tests, Tests, and More Tests

Today I had to go visit my doctor to get another medical certificate so that I can carry on claiming Incapacity Benefit. I wish I'd never bothered going now. If only I could turn the clock back 24 hours.....

My old friend candida is back again. I'm not suprised really. For some reason these germs seem to like setting up camp in my mouth and throat! Anyway, as this is about the 6th time it's returned in as many months my G.P called a microbiologist at our local hospital for advice, while I sat there patiently chewing my lip. I could obviously hear the conversation, which went somthing like this: "How old is she?" then "Is she married?" followed by How long has she been sick for?" and "What tests has she had carried out regarding this?" I had no idea why the microbiologist felt the need to ask these questions, but soon all became apparent.

So far I have been prescribed all the usual medication given to patients to clear candida, and unfortunately none of them have worked 100% for me. The advice given was for me to have a throat swab taken (again), and to have some more blood tests taken to check my red and white blood cell count among other things. Finally the only other suggestion was for me to have an HIV test done 'as a precaution'.


According to the lady at the hospital candida is usually present when someones immune system is severly supressed - in other words the patient isn't able to fight infections as well as most people - but, having a poor immune system is common in people with M.E/CFS as well as in HIV/AIDS patients.

I don't know what to think.

My G.P doesn't seem to think that there is anything to worry about. I have been ill for two years and as yet there is no indication that I have HIV. All my previous blood tests have been normal (the last were carried out in November), and I've never used drugs or shared a needle with anyone. (I know there are other ways of contracting this illness, but these are the only ones that spring to mind right now). Dr A has suggested that I have the 'routine' blood tests done, as these will show any abnormalities, and to have the swab taken, which will be sent to a lab where they will 'grow' the bacteria - then try various medication to kill it in order to determine which anti fungal drug will be most appropriate for me.

I'm willing to give anything a go if it means that I will get better, but the fact that an HIV test has been suggested is firmly in the front of my mind right now. I can't seem to concentrate on anything else. My boyfriends first words when I told him were "Oh Shit!!!" and Mum's not saying anything - I think shes in shock!

I'm so fucking scared!!!

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