Grrrrr - Mail Order Companies

Don't you just hate mail order companies???

As you may or may not know I read lots of books to keep myself occupied when none of my friends are on-line to chat to. I have so many in fact that my Mum reckons that I should open my own library.

Well..... ages and ages ago (back in August) I ordered 5 books for �5.00 from one of them annoying leaflet thingies that drop out of every mag that you buy. To be honest I'd totally forgotten that I'd placed the order - I just thought that QPD (the bookseller) never received my order and never thought about it again until today.

At 10:30am ON A SUNDAY my order finally arrived. I was in bed so Mum had to answer the door to the delivery guy, and in all honesty she reckons she gave him quite a fright - she was standing there in a face pack, wearing her winnie the pooh pj's and garfield slippers.

I don't mean to sound wingy, but I just don't understand why it takes mail order companies to long to fulfil their orders. I ordered some goods back in July from another mail order company, and so far I've been billed three times even though I still haven't received anything. Each time I get a bill I call the appropriate Customer Services Centre and each time I am given a different despatch date, or I am told that the order cannot be fulfilled due to stock shortages. Fine, I don't mind that, but cant they invoice me after? I'm sure I'm not the only person that this happens to, and like all the others I am not going to pay for items that I haven't received.

Anyway, I've finished my little rant now. I'm sorry for letting it all out here for you to read but I wanted to get it out of my system.

Big Hugs to everyone that needs one.

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